import { RequireAuthentication, ValidateBody } from "../Modules/Middleware"; import { Router } from "express"; import { Song } from "../Schemas/Song"; import { Rating } from "../Schemas/Rating"; import j from "joi"; const App = Router(); App.use((_, res) => res.send("disabled atm (sowwy)")); App.get("/:InternalID", async (req, res) => { const SongData = await Song.findOne({ where: { ID: req.params.InternalID }, relations: { Ratings: true } }); if (!SongData) return res.status(404).send("The song you're trying to get the rating for has not been found."); let Average = 0; if (SongData.Ratings.length > 0) { => Average += x.Stars); Average = Average / SongData.Ratings.length; } res.json({ Average, Amount: SongData.Ratings.length }); })"/:InternalID", RequireAuthentication({ Ratings: { Rated: true } }), ValidateBody(j.object({ Rating: j.number().integer().min(1).max(5).required() })), async (req, res) => { const SongData = await Song.findOne({ where: { ID: req.params.InternalID } }); if (!SongData) return res.status(404).send("The song you're trying to get the rating for has not been found."); const Existing = req.user?.Ratings.find(x => SongData.ID === x.Rated.ID) if (Existing) { Existing.Stars = req.body.Rating as number; await; return res.json({ ...Existing, Author: undefined, Rated: SongData.ID }); } const CreatedRating = await Rating.create({ Author: req.user, Rated: SongData, Stars: req.body.Rating as number }).save(); res.json({ ...CreatedRating, Author: undefined, Rated: SongData.ID }); }) export default { App, DefaultAPI: "/api/ratings" }