import { DataSource, IsNull } from "typeorm"; import { ENVIRONMENT, SAVED_DATA_PATH } from "../Modules/Constants"; import { Song } from "../Schemas/Song"; import { ForcedCategory } from "../Schemas/ForcedCategory"; import { User } from "../Schemas/User"; import { Rating } from "../Schemas/Rating"; import { DiscordRole } from "../Schemas/DiscordRole"; import { Debug } from "../Modules/Logger"; export const DBSource = new DataSource({ type: "better-sqlite3", database: `${SAVED_DATA_PATH}/Partypack${ENVIRONMENT !== "prod" ? `-${ENVIRONMENT}` : ""}.db`, synchronize: true, logging: false, entities: [ Song, ForcedCategory, User, Rating, DiscordRole /*join(__dirname, "..", "Schemas") + "\\*{.js,.ts}"*/ // does not work in prod ], subscribers: [], migrations: [], enableWAL: true }); (async () => { await DBSource.initialize(); // Look for songs without a PID here so we can resolve problems before we do anything else const SongsWithNoPID = await Song.find({ where: { PID: IsNull() } }); Debug(`We have ${SongsWithNoPID.length} song${SongsWithNoPID.length != 1 ? "s" : ""} with no PID`); SongsWithNoPID.forEach(async (Song) => { Debug(`Fixing up ${Song.Name} PID`); // Existing songs that actually need separate PIDs (> 2 channels) will need to have their audio reuploaded entirely // This is faster than checking to see if they all actually need one though... Song.PID = Song.ID; await; Debug(`${Song.Name} PID is now ${Song.PID} to match ${Song.ID}`); }) })(); /* User - discord id (primary) - list of all songs in user's library - list of all songs in user's published Song - length - bpm - key - scale - keytar/guitar - icon url - name - artist - release year */