import axios from "axios"; import { Err } from "./Logger"; import { red } from "colorette"; import { FULL_SERVER_ROOT } from "./Constants"; import { AvailableFestivalSongs } from "./FestivalUtil"; export let FullFortnitePages: object | null = null; let LastContentDownloadDate: Date = new Date(0); // set it to 1970 as default cuz im not boutta check if its null export async function GenerateFortnitePages(): Promise<{ Success: boolean, FNPages: { [key: string]: unknown } | null }> { const { status, data } = // check if 30 minutes have passed since last content update. if so, get a new copy of pages, if not, fuck off FullFortnitePages === null || > LastContentDownloadDate.getTime() + 30 * 60 * 1000 ? await axios.get("") : { status: 200, data: FullFortnitePages }; FullFortnitePages = data; LastContentDownloadDate = new Date(); if (status !== 200) { Err(`Failed to get Fortnite pages: ${red(status)}`); console.log(data); process.exit(-1); // very big fuck moment, we literally cannot run the server without fortnitepages } const AllSongs: { [key: string]: unknown } = {}; // too lazy to actually write a schema for this :D for (const Song of AvailableFestivalSongs) { AllSongs[Song.UUID] = { _title: Song.UUID, _noIndex: false, _activeDate: "2023-01-01T01:00:00.000Z", _locale: "en-US", _templateName: "track", lastModified: new Date().toISOString(), track: { tt: Song.Name, // tt - Title, an: Song.Artist, // an - Artist Name mm: Song.MinorMajor, // mm - Minor, Major mk: Song.Key, // mk - Music Key ab: Song.Album, // ab - Album su: Song.UUID, // su - Song UUID ry: Song.Year, // ry - Release Year mt: Song.BeatsPerMinute, // mt - Music Timing (?) au: Song.Cover ?? `${FULL_SERVER_ROOT}/song/download/${Song.UUID}/cover.png`, // au - Album Cover gt: [ "Jam-LoopIsUnpitched-Beat" ], // gt - Gameplay Tags (but in a different format: Example.Gameplay.Tag -> Example-Gameplay-Tag) ti: `SparksSong:${Song.AssetID.toLowerCase()}`, mu: Song.Midi ?? `${FULL_SERVER_ROOT}/song/download/${Song.UUID}/midi.mid`, // mu - Song Midi (if ending with .mid, decrypted, if with .dat, encrypted) dn: Song.Length, // dn - Track Length (in seconds) ge: [ "Pop" ], // ge - Genres in: { // TODO: fuck with this to make difficulties :+1: ba: 1, pb: 2, pd: 3, pg: 4, vl: 3, ds: 2, gr: 1, _type: "SparkTrackIntensities" }, // in - Intensities (those white bars you see) sib: "Bass", // sib - Bass ID to use (only Bass possible) sid: "Drum", // sid - Drums ID to use (only Drum possible) sig: Song.GuitarType, // sig - Guitar ID to use (Keytar/Guitar) siv: "Vocals", // siv - Vocals ID to use (only Vocals possible) qi: JSON.stringify({ // qi - Query Information (frontend related display stuff and language vocals channel related stuff) sid: Song.UUID, // sid - Song UUID pid: Song.UUID, // pid - Playlist Asset ID title: Song.UUID, // title - Song Name - same as _title tracks: [ { part: "ds", // Drum Set channels: [ "FL", "FR" ], vols: [ 4, 4 ] }, { part: "bs", // Bass Set (not bullshit) channels: [ "FL", "FR" ], vols: [ 4, 4 ] }, { part: "gs", // Guitar Set channels: [ "FL", "FR" ], vols: [ 4, 4 ] }, { part: "vs", // Vocal Set (not Visual Studio) channels: [ "FL", "FR" ], vols: [ 4, 4 ] }, { part: "fs", // Fart Set (jk i have no idea) (might be Flare Set??????????????) channels: [ "FL", "FR" ], vols: [ 4, 4 ] } ], preview: { starttime: Song.PreviewTime } }), ld: Song.LipsyncData, // ld - Lipsync Data (it's literally a uasset) jc: Song.JoinCode, // jc - Join Code (UEFN empty island with nothing - possibly downloads assets) sn: Song.UUID, // sn - Song Name - same as _title _type: "SparkTrack" } }; } return { Success: true, FNPages: AllSongs }; }