import { Router } from "express"; import { CachedSongFortnitePages } from "../Modules/PagesUtil"; // make sure to import pagesutil after festivalutil :fire: import { FullFortnitePages } from "../Modules/FNUtil"; import axios from "axios"; import { IS_DEBUG } from "../Modules/Constants"; const App = Router(); App.get("/content/api/pages/fortnite-game", (_, res) => res.json(FullFortnitePages)) App.get("/content/api/pages/fortnite-game/:Section", async (req, res) => { if (req.params.Section.toLowerCase() === "spark-tracks") // custom song injection return res.json( { _title: "spark-tracks", _noIndex: false, _activeDate: "1987-01-01T01:00:00.000Z", // was that the bite of '87 lastModified: new Date().toISOString(), _locale: "en-US", _templateName: "blank", ...CachedSongFortnitePages, _suggestedPrefetch: [] } ); const CachedSection = Object.values(FullFortnitePages!).find(x => x._title === req.params.Section); if (!CachedSection) return res.status(404).json({ error: "funny section not found haha kill me" }); const ContentFromServer = await axios.get(`${CachedSection._title}`); if (ContentFromServer.status !== 200) return res.status(404).json({ error: IS_DEBUG ? : "Fortnite server returned an error." }); res.json(; }) export default { App }