import { Router } from "express"; import { ADMIN_KEY, FULL_SERVER_ROOT } from "../Modules/Constants"; import { Song } from "../Schemas/Song"; import { ValidateBody } from "../Modules/Middleware"; import { writeFileSync } from "fs"; import exif from "exif-reader"; import j from "joi"; const App = Router(); // ! ANY ENDPOINTS DEFINED IN THIS FILE WILL REQUIRE ADMIN AUTHORIZATION ! // ! ANY ENDPOINTS DEFINED IN THIS FILE WILL REQUIRE ADMIN AUTHORIZATION ! // ! ANY ENDPOINTS DEFINED IN THIS FILE WILL REQUIRE ADMIN AUTHORIZATION ! App.use((req, res, next) => { if (req.path === "/key") return res.status(req.body.Key === ADMIN_KEY ? 200 : 403).send(req.body.Key === ADMIN_KEY ? "Login successful!" : "Key doesn't match. Try again."); if ((req.cookies["AdminKey"] ?? req.header("Authorization")) !== ADMIN_KEY) return res.status(403).send("You don't have permission to access this endpoint."); next(); }); App.get("/test", (_, res) => res.send("Permission check OK")); App.get("/tracks", async (_, res) => res.json((await Song.find()).map(x => x.Package())));"/create/song", ValidateBody(j.object({ ID: j.string().uuid(), Name: j.string().required().min(3).max(64), Year: j.number().required().min(1).max(2999), ArtistName: j.string().required().min(1).max(64), Length: j.number().required().min(1), Scale: j.string().valid("Minor", "Major").required(), Key: j.string().valid("A", "Ab", "B", "Bb", "C", "Cb", "D", "Db", "E", "Eb", "F", "Fb", "G", "Gb").required(), Album: j.string().required(), GuitarStarterType: j.string().valid("Keytar", "Guitar").required(), Tempo: j.number().min(20).max(1250).required(), Midi: j.string().uri(), Cover: j.string().uri(), Lipsync: j.string().uri(), BassDifficulty: j.number().required().min(0).max(7), GuitarDifficulty: j.number().required().min(0).max(7), DrumsDifficulty: j.number().required().min(0).max(7), VocalsDifficulty: j.number().required().min(0).max(7) })), async (req, res) => { res.json(await Song.create(req.body).save()) });"/upload/midi", ValidateBody(j.object({ Data: j.string().hex().required(), TargetSong: j.string().uuid().required() })), async (req, res) => { const Decoded = Buffer.from(req.body.Data, "hex"); if (!Decoded.toString().startsWith("MThd")) return res.status(400).send("Uploaded MIDI file is not a valid MIDI."); if (!await Song.exists({ where: { ID: req.body.TargetSong } })) return res.status(404).send("The song you're trying to upload a MIDI for does not exist."); writeFileSync(`./Saved/Songs/${req.body.TargetSong}/Data.mid`, Decoded); res.send(`${FULL_SERVER_ROOT}/song/download/${req.body.TargetSong}/midi.mid`); });"/upload/cover", ValidateBody(j.object({ Data: j.string().hex().required(), TargetSong: j.string().uuid().required() })), async (req, res) => { const Decoded = Buffer.from(req.body.Data, "hex"); if (!await Song.exists({ where: { ID: req.body.TargetSong } })) return res.status(404).send("The song you're trying to upload a cover for does not exist."); try { // todo: fix /*const ImageMetadata = exif(Decoded); if (!ImageMetadata.Image?.ImageWidth || !ImageMetadata.Image?.ImageLength) throw new Error("Invalid image file."); if (ImageMetadata.Image.ImageWidth !== ImageMetadata.Image.ImageLength) return res.status(400).send("Image must have a 1:1 ratio."); if (ImageMetadata.Image.ImageWidth < 512 || ImageMetadata.Image.ImageWidth > 2048) return res.status(400).send("Image cannot be smaller than 512 pixels and larger than 2048 pixels.");*/ } catch (err) { console.error(err) return res.status(400).send("Invalid image file."); } writeFileSync(`./Saved/Songs/${req.body.TargetSong}/Cover.png`, Decoded); res.send(`${FULL_SERVER_ROOT}/song/download/${req.body.TargetSong}/cover.png`); }); export default { App, DefaultAPI: "/admin/api" }