import jwt from "jsonwebtoken"; import qs from "querystring"; import j from "joi"; import { Response, Router } from "express"; import { DASHBOARD_ROOT, DISCORD_CLIENT_ID, DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET, DISCORD_SERVER_ID, FULL_SERVER_ROOT, JWT_KEY } from "../Modules/Constants"; import { User, UserPermissions } from "../Schemas/User"; import { ValidateQuery } from "../Modules/Middleware"; import { Bot } from "../Handlers/DiscordBot"; import { Debug } from "../Modules/Logger"; import { DiscordRole } from "../Schemas/DiscordRole"; import { In } from "typeorm"; import { magenta } from "colorette"; const App = Router(); // ? hacky, if you want, make it less hacky async function QuickRevokeToken(res: Response, Token: string) { await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization": `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${DISCORD_CLIENT_ID}:${DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET}`).toString("base64")}` }, body: qs.stringify({ token: Token, token_type_hint: "access_token" }) }) return res; } App.get("/discord/url", (_, res) => res.send(`${qs.escape(DISCORD_CLIENT_ID!)}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=${qs.escape(`${FULL_SERVER_ROOT}/api/discord`)}&scope=identify`)) App.get("/discord", ValidateQuery(j.object({ code: j.string().pattern(/^(\w|\d)+$/i).required(), state: j.string() })), async (req, res) => { //const Discord = await``, qs.stringify({ grant_type: "authorization_code", code: req.query.code as string, redirect_uri: `${FULL_SERVER_ROOT}/api/discord` }), { auth: { username: DISCORD_CLIENT_ID!, password: DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET! } }); const Discord = await fetch( "", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Authorization": `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${DISCORD_CLIENT_ID}:${DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET}`).toString("base64")}` }, body: qs.stringify({ grant_type: "authorization_code", code: req.query.code as string, redirect_uri: `${FULL_SERVER_ROOT}/api/discord` }) } ) if (Discord.status !== 200) return res.status(500).send("Failed to request OAuth token from Discord's services."); const DiscordData = await Discord.json() as any; // :waaaaa: if (!DiscordData.scope.includes("identify")) return (await QuickRevokeToken(res, DiscordData.access_token)).status(400).send("Missing identify scope. Please check if your OAuth link is correctly set up!"); const UserData = await fetch("", { method: "GET", headers: { "Authorization": `${DiscordData.token_type} ${DiscordData.access_token}` } }) const UserDataBody = await UserData.json() as any; if (UserData.status !== 200) return (await QuickRevokeToken(res, DiscordData.access_token)).status(500).send("Failed to request user data from Discord's services."); await QuickRevokeToken(res, DiscordData.access_token); const AnyUserExists = await User.exists(); // automatically grant the first user on the database administrator permissions let UserPermissionLevel = !AnyUserExists ? UserPermissions.Administrator : UserPermissions.User; if (AnyUserExists && Bot.isReady()) { Debug("Using Discord roles to determine user permission level since the Discord bot exists and is ready."); const Sewer = Bot.guilds.cache.get(DISCORD_SERVER_ID as string); const Membuh = await Sewer?.members.fetch(; if (Membuh) { const RoulInDeightabaise = await DiscordRole.find({ where: { ID: In( => }, order: { GrantedPermissions: "DESC" } }); if (RoulInDeightabaise.length > 0) UserPermissionLevel = RoulInDeightabaise[0].GrantedPermissions; Debug(`Detected ${magenta(RoulInDeightabaise.length)} roles that override Database permissions for user ${magenta(`@${UserDataBody.username}`)}. Giving permission level ${magenta(UserPermissionLevel)}.`) } } let DBUser = await User.findOne({ where: { ID: } }); if (!DBUser) DBUser = await User.create({ ID:, Username: UserDataBody.username, DisplayName: UserDataBody.global_name ?? UserDataBody.username, ProfilePictureURL: `${}/${UserDataBody.avatar}.webp`, Library: [], PermissionLevel: UserPermissionLevel }).save(); else { DBUser.Username = UserDataBody.username; DBUser.DisplayName = UserDataBody.global_name ?? UserDataBody.username; DBUser.ProfilePictureURL = `${}/${UserDataBody.avatar}.webp`; DBUser.PermissionLevel = UserPermissionLevel; await; } const JWT = jwt.sign({ ID: }, JWT_KEY!, { algorithm: "HS256" }); const UserDetails = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ ID:, Username: UserDataBody.username, GlobalName: UserDataBody.global_name, Avatar: `${}/${UserDataBody.avatar}.webp`, IsAdmin: DBUser.PermissionLevel >= UserPermissions.Administrator, Role: DBUser.PermissionLevel })).toString("hex") if (req.query.state) { try { const Decoded = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(decodeURI(req.query.state as string), "base64").toString("utf-8")); if (Decoded.Client === "PartypackerDesktop") return res.redirect(`http://localhost:14968/?token=${encodeURI(JWT)}&user=${encodeURI(UserDetails)}`) else return res.status(400).send("Unsupported API client."); // idk maybe in the future we will maek more clients } catch { return res.status(400).send("Invalid state."); } } res .cookie("Token", JWT) .cookie("UserDetails", UserDetails) .redirect(`${DASHBOARD_ROOT}/profile`); }) export default { App, DefaultAPI: "/api" }